Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Summer of Smiley

If you're a Seinfeld fan, you're probably familiar with the "Summer of George," George's fantasy about lying around in shorts munching on a huge block of cheese. My fantasy may not be quite that good, but I am having a terrific summer. To begin with, my cousin Kelsey is staying with us while doing an internship in San Francisco. My buddies Mack, Ryan, Kylie, Michael, and Darren have also stayed with us for short periods. All this activity and we're just mid-way through the summer. It's all that this 8 1/2-year-old Lab can handle... Not!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

A Birthday Wish

To Mom who slips me tasty treats, takes me out for long walks, and rubs my tummy: I wish you a very happy birthday!!!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed your card!!! I chose the card and Dad helped me sign it...

Smiling Shadow

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The French Disconnection

My Mom and Dad just returned from a wonderful vacation in France, the country where dogs rule. Canines of all sizes are welcome in department stores, pastry shops, vegetable stands, restaurants -- just about everywhere. Why they didn't take me I'll never quite understand. After all, I'm a perfect gentleman and I bark in French -- wee wee!