Friday, May 28, 2004
During the Memorial Day weekend, my Mom and Dad are flying to Redmond, Washington to visit my Aunt and Uncle. While they're gone, Mack and I are going to watch the Indianapolis 500 and have a barbecue. As you'd expect, I'll continue to guard the homeland against insurgents, such as birds and squirrels!
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Remembering the Vets
Hey, it occurred to me that Memorial Day is just around the corner. I want to wish all the Vets -- and their service dogs -- all the best from all of us at
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Visiting with the relatives
This morning, my Aunt, Grandma, and cousin visited us. While they were here, I scammed a banana from my Aunt and gobbled up smoke rings as Grandma puffed on a cigarette. Where do you place a nicotine patch on a Lab?
Cheesy parlor tricks
My Mom is back to teaching me cheap parlor tricks. This time she is trying to get me to turn on and off a light switch by putting peanut butter on it. How do humans dream up these ill-conceived ideas? The problem is my Lab nose can turn on the switch; it just can't turn it off! Bring on more peanut butter!
Friday, May 21, 2004
Labs on the job
This morning, like all Friday mornings, my friend Mack cleans our house. Generally, I supervise, but today I decided to pitch in and help him clean up. I snatched his rags and ran throughout the house, dusting this and that. Although everyone considers Labs sporting dogs, we're working dogs, too!
Thursday, May 20, 2004
The dutiful son
In the past few days, my Mom has been ill with one of those bugs that can't be killed with bug spray. Since she always takes care of me when I'm sick, I've been taking care of her by keeping her feet warm, fetching the paper, and licking her face when she is sleeping. I think I've missed my calling; I should have been an doctor!
Sunday, May 16, 2004
Sleeping through class
On Saturday afternoon, I finished the last session of eight-week obedience classes. I've attended classes since I was four months old. Needless-to-say, I've got the commands committed to memory. Half the time my mind is on vacation. Out to lunch. Strictly on automatic pilot. My Dad thinks these classes are beneficial. What's a Lab to do? I humor him...
Friday, May 14, 2004
Hunting for Rolaids at 4 a.m.
Did I tell you that I have a thing about Rolaids? At about 4 a.m. a few morning's ago, I was nosing around the bedroom and spotted them on my Dad's nightstand. I know I'm not supposed to touch them, but hey, everyone was asleep and those tasty little peppermint tablets were just inches away -- too close to pass up. I was just starting to make my move when Dad bellowed, "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" He had been watching me out of the corner of one eye the entire time... Foiled again!
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Mary Jane (a.k.a. MJ)
Yesterday, my Dad received pictures of my cousin, Mary Jane, to post on's "Hall of Friends" page. The last time I saw Mary Jane was during the holidays a few years ago. I snatched her gifts when she wasn't looking. Among her talents, Mary Jane can bring her Dad a can of beer from the refrigerator. But one thing she can't do? Write her own blog!
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Resisting my instincts
Since returning from her trip to Pennsylvania, Mom has resumed her quest to teach me food restraint -- a near impossibility. Today, she placed two large dog cookies on my paws, then dared me to eat them. My fragile Lab brain nearly blew a gasket!
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Greetings on Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and to all Mom's who love Labs and look after them throughout the year. Have a wonderful day!
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Awaiting Mom's return
I can't wait for tomorrow! It's not just Mother's Day, my Mom is returning from Pennsylvania. I miss her when she's not around. She always plays with me and rubs my tummy. She's also much more generous about doling out carrots than Dad is. And she never fails to bring back something for me in her suitcase. Maybe a juicy bone or a squeaky toy? Who knows. I'll have to wait to see.
Friday, May 07, 2004
Yanking Dad's chain
Teasing my Dad is one of my favorite pastimes. I do it everyday before we go walking. Just as he reaches down to put on my leash, I dart around the house, bobbing and weaving like a four-legged version of Muhammad Ali. Oddly enough, Dad doesn't always appreciate my charming, irresistible sense of humor...
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
The no-squirrel zone
Squirrels and I don't get along, especially when they enter my yard. The way I see it, guarding against squirrel invasions keeps our family safe. Usually, squirrels try to infiltrate our yard to snatch food from our bird feeder. When I spot them along the fence, I bolt like a gazelle and chase them until they're out of site -- high up in the trees. Who says Labs don't make good watch dogs?
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
The wonderfulness of walking
Going for walks is one of my favorite pastimes. The fresh air, the wafting odors, the leg lifting -- I love it all. I know where every dog lives in my neighborhood. Dad contends that I can read the "Beware of Dog" signs on the fences and gates. If I do, I read with my nose, not my eyes. But, don't tell him.
Monday, May 03, 2004
The strawberry mind game
This afternoon, Dad caught me rummaging through his strawberry patch. It's kind of a mind game that I play with him on a regular basis. It goes something like this: I sneak around when he's not looking and then knock over as many berries as I can before he discovers what I'm doing. Am I going to stop? What a silly question!
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Today, my cousin Ron came over to play guitars with my Dad. I listened to them all day (and most of the evening). Six strings. 12 strings. All that music talk. I lay right next to the amps so I don't miss a single note. I'm Ron's and Dad's biggest fan. Actually, I'm probably their only fan (with the exception of a few tone deaf relatives).